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Negative Energy

Solution For All Problems

Negative energy is a truth if we accept the fact that when good is there, bad will also exist. These negative energies exist all around us due to bad vibes of people, places, planetary transits in our birth charts and circumstances. Our personal aura around us gets breached by these negative energies often which will lead to many problems in life. It leads to mental tension, psychological problems, health problems, financial problems, career problems and the list is endless. But there is no room for fear with the divine presence of Pandit Shivaji, who is a famous Vedic astrologer, psychic reader and a spiritual healer in California. He will remove all the

negative energies from your life and home by employing ancient Vedic techniques of energy cleansing. He will use ‘tantras’ (methods) and teach you ‘mantras’ (enchantments) to remove negative energies from your life. You can also do certain ‘pujas’ (worship), ‘hawanas’ (offerings) to satiate the negative effects created due to planetary transits in your birth chart according to the directions given by him. The ‘Nava Graha Homa’ (nine

planets offering) may also be prescribed by him to please the nine planets governing your life. Some ‘Yantras’ (loom) will also be suggested by him to be placed in your home to ward off negative energies from your surroundings, and he may give some enchanted amulets to increase positive energy in you and to shield you against all kind of negativities. Don’t get frightened by negative energies and its bad effects as Pandit Shiva ji is there for you to remove the negative energies from your life forever. Visit him today and see the benefits.

Frequently Ask Question

Why shoud i beleive in astrolgy
Astrology helps you on two planes. On material plane, it lets you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to decide whom to trust and whom not to. It guides you through the right times to conduct right activities. On spiritual plane, it helps you to understand your mission in this life. You can reach the ultimate goal of self-realization through Astrology. If you do not believe in Astrology, then you cannot get these benefits of Astrology which believers get.

is ther any scintific proof
Are you sure that everything told by the scientists is correct? Before Galileo, scientists used to say that the earth is the centre of the universe and the Sun and other stars are revolving round the earth. After Galileo, the same scientists said that the Sun is the centre of our solar system and the earth and other planets are revolving round the Sun. The point is science is at infant state. It should grow to understand Astrology which is a super science. You can see some interesting discussion on this at: Astrolgoy Science

can astrolgy predict future
Why not? Since your present actions are mere reflections of your past deeds, and the future depends on your present actions, there is always a connection between past, present and future. By erecting the horoscope of a person, an Astrologer can understand his past, present and future. Even Astrology can tell you about your previous birth.

What is panchanga
Panchanga comprises of 5 elements: Thithi (lunar day), Vaara (day of the week), Yoga (Luni-Solar combination), Nakshatra (constellation) and Karana (half part of a thithi). These 5 elements give an idea regarding the auspicious and inauspicious moments day by day and the type of activities to be done or not to be done on each day. You would be successful , if you start the ventures at those auspicious moments. More information on Panchanga can be obtained by Clicking here


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