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Sexual Problem

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A Marriage is based upon the understanding between two people as well as their Sexual Relations. No marriage can be successful if the sexual life is not satisfying. It arises due to Sex Problems in Males or the female partner which they don't want to accept as a result there sexual life keeps on degrading. Medical astrology is an ancient science which follows the positions of stars and their effects on our body. By keeping the concept on the mind pandit Laxmi Narayana ji offers Astrological Tips for Sexual Life which includes Astrology Remedies for Sex Life. Our astrologer advice for sexual life According to him a spouse or a wife who is having a loving wife and is able to meet up the demands of their sexual urge can live happily and is 50 times more energetic as compared to a normal man.

Health-related problems also can be caused by certain stars and planets. The branch of astrology that deals with diseases, medical problems and Sexual Problems in medical astrology. Medical Astrology is an ancient science that deals with the body, diseases and drugs. It is through the influence of the sun, moon and planets and the twelve astrological signs. Each of the astrological signs, along with the sun, moon and planets, is associated with different parts of the human body. The underlying basis for medical astrology is considered a pseudoscience.

The people of California Astrologer can get it all need help when it comes to health, medical and Sexual Problems from the well, Pandith Laxmi Narayana ji. He has done an excellent job in the field of medical astrology. He can do their horoscope and astrology analysis and also you can put Horoscope remedies and astrological funds from the Red Book are available. He is the supreme Red Book Astrologer in India.

Frequently Ask Question

Why shoud i beleive in astrolgy
Astrology helps you on two planes. On material plane, it lets you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to decide whom to trust and whom not to. It guides you through the right times to conduct right activities. On spiritual plane, it helps you to understand your mission in this life. You can reach the ultimate goal of self-realization through Astrology. If you do not believe in Astrology, then you cannot get these benefits of Astrology which believers get.

is ther any scintific proof
Are you sure that everything told by the scientists is correct? Before Galileo, scientists used to say that the earth is the centre of the universe and the Sun and other stars are revolving round the earth. After Galileo, the same scientists said that the Sun is the centre of our solar system and the earth and other planets are revolving round the Sun. The point is science is at infant state. It should grow to understand Astrology which is a super science. You can see some interesting discussion on this at: Astrolgoy Science

can astrolgy predict future
Why not? Since your present actions are mere reflections of your past deeds, and the future depends on your present actions, there is always a connection between past, present and future. By erecting the horoscope of a person, an Astrologer can understand his past, present and future. Even Astrology can tell you about your previous birth.

What is panchanga
Panchanga comprises of 5 elements: Thithi (lunar day), Vaara (day of the week), Yoga (Luni-Solar combination), Nakshatra (constellation) and Karana (half part of a thithi). These 5 elements give an idea regarding the auspicious and inauspicious moments day by day and the type of activities to be done or not to be done on each day. You would be successful , if you start the ventures at those auspicious moments. More information on Panchanga can be obtained by Clicking here


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